Go North Wales Tourism Hospitality Academy has been successful in being awarded funding from the WCVA Active Inclusion fund to provide individuals who are currently out of work and over the age of 25 with an opportunity to enter onto a pathway towards sustainable employment within the Tourism and Hospitality sector through support training and skills development programme.
Our aim is to help individuals who are looking for a brand new opportunity but having difficulty in getting the right skills or have personal restrictions and issues. Our programme will help individuals to gain confidence, meet new people and learn valuable skills to help them towards achieving their future goals.
How Tourism and Hospitality Business can help?
The purpose of a ‘Behind the Scenes’ Tourism Host is for clients to see all aspects of the host business in terms of employment and career aspirations. It is a great opportunity for clients to gain an appreciation for the vast range of roles employed by the tourism industry. Many clients may not have had the opportunity to experience the majority of what North Wales has to offer in terms of tourism, and would have limited understanding of the scope of the industry. These opportunities also offer the clients the opportunity to network with peers and business leaders, and hopefully gain more confidence to make their career choices.
All we require from you is that you will be willing to spend a short period of time at your business to allow our candidates to visit and understand the different type of job roles within the sector. This will help greatly with their understanding of the opportunities that may be available.
From the perspective of the Tourism Host, this provides the opportunity to have meaningful input into the development of the next generation of travel professionals and possibly identify future employees.
Interested to learn more or to sign up? Please see below guidelines and agreement or contact a member of our team on 01492 531731.

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